List of countries



Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran, Persia)
Capital: Tehran
Official languages: Persian
Currency: Rial (IRR)

Documents from the Commercial Register of Iran can be provided in electronic and/or original paper form, legalized and translated into any language.

Document name Electronic Document Legalized document
Extract from the trade register of Iran
95 euro
from 30 min.
Business Report from 150 euro
4-6 days
  • Terms in business days.
  • Delivery charges are not included in the price.

Extracts from Commercial Register of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
  • Extract from commercial register of Iran contains:
    • Company Name (Previous Name if applicable);
    • Company Number, Date of Incorporation/Registration;
    • Address;
Document language: Persian.
Extract fullness depends on the type of company and the availability of data in the Commercial Register .

Business report on a company incorporated in the Islamic Republic of Iran:
The following information may be included for you in the report:
  • Company Name;
  • Company Number, Date of Incorporation/Registration;
  • Status;
  • Activities;
  • Address and Contact Information;
  • Management / Representatives;
  • Share/Capital Information;
  • Members / Shareholders (where available);
  • Media references;
  • Branches and representative offices in Russia;
  • Subsidiaries in Russia;
  • Participation in court cases in Russia

The report may include up-to-date information or information about registered changes in the company.
We use data from national registers and other reliable sources to prepare business report.
The completeness of the report depends on your goals, the type of company and the availability of data in the registries.

The Islamic Republic of Iran. Legalization and translation:
The Islamic Republic of Iran is not a party to the 1961 Hague Convention, which abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign official documents for the countries-participants of the Convention.
Documents obtained in the Islamic Republic of Iran are subject to consular legalization.

We can translate documents into any language for you.