About company registration
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Business Center DINEKA

Who can become the founder of OOO

The founders of a limited liability company (OOO) may be:
  • Russian and foreign legal entities;
  • Russian citizens and foreign citizens;
  • in some cases state and local authorities
It's general rules.

However, there are additional limitations and nuances depending on the planned activities and other factors.
Thus, for example:
  • the sole founder of the OOO cannot be a Company, which includes only one shareholder (paragraph 1 of Article 7 14-Federal Law).

  • The requirements to "mass" and unscrupulous founders have also been toughened, thus, there is a high probability of refusal in the state registration of OOO, if the founders include persons who have previously abandoned their companies without having repaid debts to the budget (the restriction is introduced for 3 years);

  • in accordance with the Law "On Mass Media" (Article 19.1), foreign companies (or Russian companies controlled by foreign organizations), foreign citizens, Russian citizens with dual citizenship have no right to act as a founder ( shareholder) of the mass media, to be an editorial office of the mass media, an organization that carries out broadcasting (unless otherwise stipulated by an international agreement).

  • officials, deputies, military personnel cannot act as the founder of a OOO (art. 17 79-FL; clause 7 of article 10 76-FL)

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